Yi Zhou's UX Design Portfolio

© 2012-2023 Yi Zhou Archive

Oh là là là!

You've Found Me

Hi, my name is Yi Zhou, a product UX designer passionate for simplifying the complex.

With my meticulous eye for detail and my creative problem-solving mind, I am able to craft user experiences that are both effective and delightful.

With my proficiency in analytical thinking and front-end development, I am able to unearth users' true needs and find a balance between being a perfectionist and being practical.

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OnTimer thumbnail
UX/UI Design Mobile App

OnTimer is an exploratory project conceived to mitigate the detrimental impacts of inconsistent sleep schedules, jet lag, and shift work on human performance. Rooted in academic research and design methodologies, the app aims to align with your natural circadian rhythm to regulate your daily activities, ultimately serving as a comprehensive solution for maintaining well-being despite modern-day schedule disruptions.

LinCo thumbnail
Branding UX/UI Design Web Design

LinCo is a burgeoning online educational service dedicated to refining the oral English communication skills of Chinese students. Engaging in one-on-one sessions, students have the unique opportunity to converse directly with proficient university English instructors based in the United States and United Kindom.

Polywell thumbnail
Branding Web Design

In this project, I revitalized Polywell Computers' visual identity, leveraging its rich history and culture as inspiration for a new logo, updated stationery, and contemporary website design.

InOrder thumbnail
UX/UI Design Mobile App

InOrder aims to revolutionize the way small-scale restaurants manage their operations. Developed during a business research initiative for Polywell, this mobile POS application not only streamlines order processing but also incorporates a unique finger-writing feature to transcend language barriers. In doing so, InOrder addresses the specific challenges and workflow nuances that are often overlooked by mainstream POS systems.

Diabetes Prevention thumbnail
Branding Graphic Design

This is a branding and web design project conducted as part of an academic exercise, aimed at enhancing the visual identity of the Diabetes Prevention Organization, a public welfare institution. The focus was on creating an impactful and coherent brand language to elevate the organization's outreach and mission.

Versatile & Sideworks thumbnail
Varied Design Contexts

This page serves as a comprehensive exhibit of various design undertakings, from academic projects to quick freelance projects and more extended part-time job contributions. This selection showcases the wide range of my design capabilities.


Let's Make Some Noise Together!




Seattle, Washington USA